It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you
· 2 min read
In this post I wish to present my string schema, which has been perceived by many as excessively paranoid. It incorporates compile-time obfuscation, whereby the strings are deobfuscated upon utilisation and nullified from the stack when they are no longer required.
For the purposes of obfuscation, a simple substitution cipher is sufficient.
constexpr WCHAR SubstitutionMap[][2] =
{L'\0', L'\0'}, {L',', L')'}, {L'1', L','}, {L'a', L'Z'}, // And so on ...
template <std::size_t N>
consteval std::array<WCHAR, N> EncodeString(CONST WCHAR(&String)[N])
std::array<WCHAR, N> EncodedString = {};
for (SIZE_T Index = 0; Index < N - 1; ++Index)
for (CONST AUTO& Pair : SubstitutionMap)
if (Pair[0] == String[Index])
EncodedString[Index] = Pair[1];
Found = TRUE;
if (!Found)
// If no substitution is found, just XOR it. Alternatively, simply omit the substitution
EncodedString[Index] = String[Index] ^ 0x5;
EncodedString[N - 1] = L'\0';
return EncodedString;
The following object is then initialised, with the constructor deobfuscating the string and the destructor setting it to zero. All this ensures that strings live for as short a time as possible.
class ObfString
explicit ObfString(IN CONST LPCWCHAR Source, IN CONST USHORT Size) noexcept : Buffer{ Source }, Length{ Size }
for (USHORT Index = 0; Index < Length; ++Index)
for (CONST AUTO& Pair : SubstitutionMap)
if (Pair[1] == Content.Buffer[Index])
Content.Buffer[Index] = Pair[0];
Found = TRUE;
if (!Found)
Content.Buffer[Index] ^= 0x5;
[[nodiscard]] PWSTR buf() CONST
return Buffer;
[[nodiscard]] USHORT len() CONST
return Length;
__builtin_memset(Buffer, 0, Length);
PWSTR Buffer{};
USHORT Length{};
Example usage:
// Original: LVhi&Y0AgY61;1
// Deobfuscated: Luci4 was here
// After going out of scope:
auto String = EncodeString(L"Luci4 was here");
printf("Original: %ws\n",;
ObfString Message(, String.size());
printf("Deobfuscated: %ws\n", Message.buf());
printf("After going out of scope: %ws\n",;